United Methodists value education. South Carolina Methodists started Columbia College, Claflin College, Spartanburg Methodist College, and Wofford College. United Methodists from throughout the state work together to fund scholarships to defray college and seminary costs through our missional apportionments. Trinity’s college students at Wofford have benefited from the Dollars for Scholars program. There are over a dozen United Methodist seminaries in the United States. We support higher education with our work with Africa University. United Methodists develop minds through education as well as nurture souls through the ministries of the local church.
Trinity is part of this grand heritage. Now, we break new ground to move to a new area of focus. We extend that commitment to education through the Trinity Scholarship program which benefits Trinity scholars in the realm of higher education. For decades, a fund designated for scholarships and educational assistance has been dormant in the church’s treasury. The missions committee saw the account and organized to meet the need. Proceeds from the scholarship fund will assist four students with higher education costs in the 2022-23 school year. This past Sunday, we recognized Christopher Roberts, Samara Castleberry, Rachel Headden, and Wesley Castleberry.
Other leading United Methodist churches have established an endowment fund that assists not only church members, but also community youth as well as students who are coming out of Epworth Children’s Home and making the transition to college. My hope is that Trinity will lean into such a commitment in order to benefit generations to come. What will be your role to carry on the tradition of valuing education? Please consider making a donation to the Trinity Scholarship fund.
Rev. Joseph R. James, Jr.