Seekers Sunday School Class

All young adults, from high school graduates through age 40, are invited to the Seekers Sunday School Class on Sunday mornings at 10:00am on the 2nd floor of the Wesley Education Building! The Nursery for children under 2, Children’s Sunday School classes for...

Ash Wednesday Services

Please plan to join us at one or both of our Ash Wednesday Services for 2024: at 7:00 AM in the Chapel – This will be a short service focused on the imposition of Ashes. Did you know that the ashes we will use for Ash Wednesday this year are from the palm fronds...

The Blessing Bag Project

Extending the Hands and Heart to those in need. The Trinity Kids (Grades 1-5) are making Blessing Bags and need your help. We’ve set a goal of making 100 bags to give to those that are homeless in our community. Please consider helping either by donating items...