Pastor Joseph's Blog
Living in the Uncertainty of God’s Greatness
In the face of uncertainty, we might be tempted to demand answers or explanations for our suffering or the hardships we face. We want to understand why things happen the way they do, why our prayers seem unanswered, or why evil and pain exist in a world God created. We are not the first nor will we be the last to ask such questions.
This Sunday, the Old Testament lesson comes from Job Chapter 38; it is the passage where God responds to the pleas of Job. God speaks from a whirlwind and asks Job, “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?” (Job 38:4) God challenged Job to consider the vastness of creation—how God formed the earth, set the boundaries of the sea, and set the stars in place. God’s questions are not meant to diminish Job’s suffering but to remind him of the bigger picture—of the infinite wisdom and authority of the Creator. The Apostle Paul echoes this sentiment when he writes in Romans 11:33, “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!”
We see only a small piece of the puzzle. Our perspective is limited. God’s greatness is beyond human understanding, and His ways often seem mysterious to us. Our inability to fully comprehend God’s plan is not a cause for fear but instead it is an invitation to trust in God’s infinite goodness and love.
We trust with blessed assurance that God is in control. As the hymn we learned in Vacation Bible School says, “He’s got the whole world in His hands”. Just as God provides for the creatures of the wild, as described in Job 38:39- 41, God provides for us as God walks with us through our struggles. Even when we don’t understand, God is still good, still faithful, and still in control. We can face the mystery of God’s greatness as a source of peace.
God is walking with us in these uncertain and mysterious times. Thanks be to God.
In Hope, Joseph
A Pastoral Word in Light of This Week’s General Conference Actions
This week has been momentous in the life of United Methodism as a result of the actions of the United Methodist General Conference. Many are focused on the removal of language concerning sexuality and ordination. While compelling given the worldwide nature of the church, it is not what I see as the most significant.
The general conference has recognized the angst of congregations over this issue for the past few years. The diverse and strongly held views around sexuality have been a source of pain, conflict, and division for many United Methodist congregations. People within the local church, already living in a politically bi-polar world, have had the protective fellowship and the common mission for Christ of the congregation disrupted of its peace and denied its focus. Churches have been distracted from their purpose within the walls of the church and in their necessary work beyond.
This week, the nearly 800 delegates attending the general conference (by a vote of approval of over 90%) offer each and every United Methodist local church a viable way forward to carry out its unique congregational mission while observing the mandates of its own conscience. Disciplinary paragraphs approved this week allow local churches to choose their own unique path and policy regarding the weddings they host (or don’t)—without penalty from the denomination. Clergy are given the option to conduct weddings–or not– according to the dictates of their own beliefs without penalty from the denomination. As always has been the case, no church will be forced to take a pastor unless the congregation is open to such an appointment.
Over the course of my tenure as your pastor, I have realized that the members of Trinity are not uniform in their thinking around the issue of sexuality; there are those of you on the extremes as well as those in the middle. Time and again over the last seven years, I have heard the vast majority of you, regardless of where you stand on this issue, say that you do not want to lose the precious and fragile fellowship that God has given you at Trinity. I believe the actions of the general conference this week allow us to refocus on our common mission (which has not changed), and to continue to be the diverse Body of Christ known as Trinity UMC; we will not imprisoned by the need for conformity of thought, uniformity in outlook, nor the Disciplinary mandate that we have to be in lockstep with congregations different than our own. We can be different in all things and united in our love and worship of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We can continue to be United Methodists who live out the saying of John Wesley, quoting Saint Augustine: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”
As the dust settles, Trinity’s church leadership will lead us in the next faithful steps that will allow us to move forward as a church.
May God bless Trinity UMC,
From the Pastor’s Study
The committee on nominations and leadership development is charged with recruiting, training, and encouraging the leaders of the local church. Your committee has done outstanding work in recruiting servant leaders to equip Trinity to carry out its mission. We are discerning ways to better train the leaders we have now and prepare future leaders for the work ahead. Later this spring, we will look to invite the congregation to take a spiritual gifts inventory which will help leaders better understand the ways they can fulfill their call to discipleship through service.
At our February meeting, we talked about ways we can encourage the servant leaders of our congregation. For almost a month, our team has prayed for leaders on each council, board, or committee of Trinity. Each weekday, we pray together for the same leader. We ask God to bless the life of that person. We thank God for their leadership and the ways they are growing as a disciple of Christ. Our team has grown spiritually in this practice; we believe it will also benefit the congregation and those who serve us. An email is sent usually each Wednesday to our team with the names and contact information of five leaders we will pray for the following week. I encourage you as members and friends of this great church to join us in this spiritual exercise. If you would like to be included in the weekly email for the prayers for our servant leaders, please let me know your interest and your email address; I will add you as soon as possible.
Please keep your committee on nominations and leadership development in your daily prayers: Beth Abruzzino, Julie Balduf, Cammy Chandler, Melissa Jackson, Joseph James, Gray Maklary, Katherine Schwartz, Dustin Smith, and Greg Stone.
Ash Wednesday / Lenten Schedule
Today is Ash Wednesday, the start of the forty day (plus Sundays) season of Lent. We hope to see you at one of our Ash Wednesday services. Easter is on March 31 this year. Stay tuned for the announcement concerning our Easter celebration as we draw closer to time. In the meantime, our Lenten worship services follow the theme “Unbounded Love”; that is a phrase from the hymn, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling authored by Charles Wesley. Each Sunday of Lent, the weekly theme will come from that beautiful hymn.
Here are the themes and scripture lessons for each week:
We look forward to our worship together as we claim a moving hymn and our Beloved Lord.
Peace, Joseph
From the Pastor’s Study – August 4, 2022
Recently, I read Eugene Peterson’s The Pastor: A Memoir, and saw a practice that helped his congregation immensely. His Maryland congregation already mailed a weekly newsletter complete with financial reports, upcoming events, and opportunities for service. As Pastor, he included a weekly column with a paragraph or two. In talking with members of the congregation, he discovered that his column was often lost or overlooked in all of the much needed information the weekly newsletter contained. His words of spiritual counsel did not always blend well with the other items passed along to the congregation.
Peterson arranged for a weekly letter to the congregation that was mailed closer to Sunday. This method of pastoral communication allowed space to address deeper spiritual issues and equip the congregation more fully for the upcoming Sunday’s worship. Peterson had a team of church volunteers to help him with stuffing the envelopes and mailing the letters. Would such an effort be fruitful for us? I am willing to experiment to find out. I want to write about the common spiritual issues and questions we face as human beings and less about what is happening at Trinity. I want to offer a pastoral perspective, born of the experience of daily life. If you have a question about faith or the challenges of the spirit that you face, please call or email me. Amanda tells me that the email that is sent with the weekly note can be configured so that you can reply directly to me (but not to everyone on the list) with questions or comments.
See you Sunday,
Scripture Lesson for Sunday, Aug 7, 2022
Luke 12:32-34
Questions to ponder and prepare as you read the scripture:
- What does it mean to “make purses for yourself that do not wear out”? (12:33) “Fear not” and “do not be afraid.” What other places and times have we heard these words in the scriptures?
- What is the treasure of your life?
Trinity Scholarship Fund
United Methodists value education. South Carolina Methodists started Columbia College, Claflin College, Spartanburg Methodist College, and Wofford College. United Methodists from throughout the state work together to fund scholarships to defray college and seminary costs through our missional apportionments. Trinity’s college students at Wofford have benefited from the Dollars for Scholars program. There are over a dozen United Methodist seminaries in the United States. We support higher education with our work with Africa University. United Methodists develop minds through education as well as nurture souls through the ministries of the local church.
Trinity is part of this grand heritage. Now, we break new ground to move to a new area of focus. We extend that commitment to education through the Trinity Scholarship program which benefits Trinity scholars in the realm of higher education. For decades, a fund designated for scholarships and educational assistance has been dormant in the church’s treasury. The missions committee saw the account and organized to meet the need. Proceeds from the scholarship fund will assist four students with higher education costs in the 2022-23 school year. This past Sunday, we recognized Christopher Roberts, Samara Castleberry, Rachel Headden, and Wesley Castleberry.
Other leading United Methodist churches have established an endowment fund that assists not only church members, but also community youth as well as students who are coming out of Epworth Children’s Home and making the transition to college. My hope is that Trinity will lean into such a commitment in order to benefit generations to come. What will be your role to carry on the tradition of valuing education? Please consider making a donation to the Trinity Scholarship fund.
Rev. Joseph R. James, Jr.
Wednesday, March 23rd
Last week, I received an email from Chaplain Bill Jewell, a chaplain at the Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital, part of the MUSC system in Charleston. Chaplain Jenkins wrote:
“I came across the wooden crosses in cloth bags with your church’s name and information attached with it. I wanted to share that there have been several families that have appreciated being able to take and hold these crosses during their stay here at Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital. I have set out the last of the ones that I have come across, and wanted you to know both that they have been so appreciated, and that they would be happily accepted if you were to send more of them.”
This week, our mission team in Guatemala has over two dozen clutch crosses to hand out to the sick and those in need. Think of the ways the work of volunteers here in Sumter are making a difference for Christ among those who are dealing with challenging times at different places among people we do not know. Our supply of clutch crosses is almost diminished. Are we up to the challenge of making more? Surely, there are carpenters who can cut the cypress wood; others who could prepare the bags, and still others to stuff the bags. Surely, there are people who will pray over each bag. Certainly, all of us can take a clutch cross in the bag with us, put it in a desk drawer at work or in our vehicle, and give it to someone when the opportunity arises.
For more information and to volunteer, I invite you to contact Lynwood Griffin, our clutch cross coordinator, at 1- (910) 237-7619. Trinity UMC, you are making an impact on the world beyond our walls. Thanks be to God.
Trinity’s Missions in the World (March 2022)
The world is a very big place. It is difficult to envision the distances between points on the globe. Then there are the many cultural differences in the big world. Culture is influenced by geography, history, climate, and many other factors. Our understanding of others is limited by our own experiences and understandings. When Trinity speaks of its mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world and of its vision of serving God and others from the heart of Sumter, we often think about our neighborhood, our zip code, or city.
However, Trinity UMC Sumter has three opportunities right now to serve others from the heart of Sumter to other points on the globe:
First, we are sponsoring a 13-member mission team to our partners in ministry, Rev. Dr. Luke Rhyee and Healing Guatemala. Our mission team flies out this Saturday (March 19th) to Guatemala for a medical and construction mission. They will be traveling to rural villages providing healthcare to those in need. Trinity has been very generous in their sponsorship of this mission. On the last mission in 2020, there was a significant impact on the ministry in Guatemala as well as on the missioners who made the trip.
Here are the missioners I ask you to pray for:
Mitch Grunsky
Jere Pound
Paige Gregory
Erica Boland
Honey Dawn Chapman
Dave Whaley
Meg Creech
Richard Murrell
Gray Maklary
Brian Hardee
Jessica Hardee
Fede Apencia
Rachel White
We will pray for them in their work until they safely return.
Second, as the war in Ukraine continues to rage, people are displaced, injured, and killed. It ranks as a European humanitarian tragedy as great as World War II. The United Methodist Church, through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), is bringing aid to the refugees and those under siege in Ukraine. Our prayers are one of the best ways for us to focus our efforts. We give our prayers legs by giving donations for relief. If you would like to give for this effort through Trinity and UMCOR, please write “Ukraine” on the memo line of your check or envelope. Remember, 100% of your donation goes directly to this effort.
Third, as a connectional church we work with other United Methodist churches around South Carolina and the world offering relief, scholarships, covering denominational administrative costs, and focusing mission efforts and resources. Our part in this effort comes through our 2022 missional apportionments. For 2022, Trinity will contribute $77,234 for mission and ministry beyond our local church through the United Methodist connectional system. We do this because together, we as individual churches can do more. We do this because we serve God and others from the heart of Sumter
Rev. Joseph R. James, Jr.
Senior Pastor, Trinity UMC Sumter
Thursday, March 3, 2022 – Lenten Additions
It is a tradition of Lent to “give something up” until Easter. I have heard of people giving up cheeseburgers or coffee or chocolate. Some decide to give up social media or television. The idea is that in the space (or the cost) of that which was given up, we will use the time for prayer or reading scripture.
We reallocate the money we would have spent on our habit to the church or to a charity. On Easter Sunday we once again pick up those habits and go about our lives.
What if rather than giving something up, we added something? What if we added value to others through acts of kindness or generosity?
Here are a few things to think about adding that can make a difference in the lives of those around you.
- Make a Gratitude List: Write each day in a journal or notebook 5 things for which you are thankful.
- When standing in line at the drugstore, the grocery store, or in any other line, pray a silent prayer for those working behind the counter, and for those in line with you.
- At the end of each day, take three minutes to reflect on the ways you saw God work in your life that day.
- Call or text someone in your contact list or address book who you have not spoken to in a while. Pray for them as you dial or text.
- Introduce yourself to a neighbor on your street that you have not met.
- Buy at least one extra can of food each week to donate to a food bank
- Take a dessert dish to a neighbor.
- Find a way to care for creation: pick up trash along the road, put the bird feeder out.
- Write a card to a family member or friend and simply sign your name. Pray for them as you seal the envelope.
- Walk a dog at the local shelter.
Prayer: Almighty God, we walk this Lenten journey with you in small and large ways. Grant us grace to love others in small and large ways in your name.
Rev. Joseph James, Jr.
Trinity UMC Senior Pastor
Parts of Our Worship Service – “The Gathering”
Over the next few weeks, I will offer a column explaining the various parts of our 11:00 AM worship service. The United Methodist Book of Worship is the basis for what is offered here.
Trinity uses an order of Sunday worship using the basic pattern (That pattern can be found on pages 3-5 of the United Methodist Hymnal).
The first “element” of our worship service is known as the Gathering. The worship service begins as people come into the sanctuary. As people enter, it is a time of conversation and fellowship. We are coming together as a community of faith.
The carillon offers hymns from the speakers in the steeple on Sunday morning. This is a historic way of calling the community to worship. At about 10:50-1055 AM, a musical selection of the organ, piano, or strings or a combination of these is given. I encourage us to use those moments for quiet meditation or prayer so that we may prepare our hearts for worship.
At the conclusion of the musical offering, we welcome all to worship and two or three announcements and/or parish notices are given. At the conclusion of these announcements, the prelude is offered. The prelude is meant to be another opportunity for private prayer.
The Call to Worship or Greeting comes next. It can be as simple as a scripture sentence, or a responsive act between a worship leader and the people. The ringing of the chimes (three tones) precedes a congregational hymn. As the Book of Worship reads, “The people, having been greeted in the Lord’s name, may return the greeting to God with a hymn of praise.” In pre-COVID days, this was also the processional hymn for the acolyte, the crucifer, the choir and the clergy to enter the worship space.
Next week, we will learn more about the prayer of confession and the words of assurance.
Joseph R. James, Jr.
Welcome Back Sunday 2021
Since March of last year, the COVID virus has taken the wind out of the sails of many churches and institutions. Trinity, like many churches, cancelled in-person and all other church related activities. Yet, by the grace of God, we were still able to broadcast our services on the radio; we adapted and began to livestream our services on Facebook and eventually the church’s website. The church updated the audio-visual technology and thereby our media ministry. These ministries bless the Sumter community even as we are now back to in-person worship. Over the past year and a half, Trinity has continued to adapt, overcome, and thrive. God has blessed us greatly. The stained glass windows have been restored and cleaned; the nursery has been renovated; we hired Rachel White as our director of youth ministries and the youth ministry has flourished; because of the work of Duke Divinity intern, Jay Punt, the church saw what was possible for children’s ministry and has taken steps to hire a full time children’s minister.
This coming Sunday is “Welcome Home, Trinity” Sunday. It is a Sunday we normally celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of our new program year. For me, it is so much more this year. It will be a time for congregational thanksgiving for God’s blessing and guidance of Trinity from March 2020; it will be a time for congregational fellowship so that we can see people we may not have seen over the course of the pandemic. Finally, it is a token of appreciation for you, the members and friends of Trinity. Your energy and devotion to God through this great church has not diminished despite the substantial challenges before us. Thank you, Trinity. Thank you for your perseverance, your faith in God and one another. Thank you for deliberately fulfilling God’s mission for this great church in the most adverse of times.
I look forward to seeing you next Sunday, August 29 at 10:30am on the east lawn near the columbarium. Bring your stadium chairs and tailgate tents. We will serve box lunches following the service. In case of inclement weather, we will meet in the Williams Brice Center.
May God Bless Trinity UMC- her mission, vision, and future.
Joseph James
Making Visitors Feel Welcome
Recently, I read this helpful list for church members as we welcome guests. I hope it is helpful to you as well.
- Every church member is a host and not a guest. Making visitors feel welcome is primarily the responsibility of members, not the nebulous “church.”
- The most important person for a visitor to talk to in order to feel at home in a new church is you. It is not the pastor, or the greeter, but a regular attender. Eshleman says “One of the most impressive gestures we can extend to first time visitors is for people with no official position to take the initiative and welcome them.”
- Treat first time visitors as guests of God, not strangers.
- Smile at everyone.
- Look people in the eye and smile.
- Take the initiative, don’t wait for visitors to initiate conversation with you.
- Learn people’s names and remember them.
- Use [only] appropriate and allowed Touch such as a hand shake or a gentle pat on the back.
- Ask questions and learn about your guests. It is better to express interest in them than it is to try to “sell” your church.
- Listening is a very effective way to show love.
- Greet children at their level.
- Let children be children. Yes, families love children’s church and child care. We also love it when you
- allow us to decide if our children should remain with us in worship. And even more, when you love
- our kids as kids (crying, playing, singing!) and don’t expect them to be grown-ups.
- Invite visitors to join you at something, anything! Invite them to today’s fellowship meal, next Sunday’s Christian Education hour, or to a restaurant for some one on one time.
- Never let new people sit alone. Eschelman says, “New people should never have to sit alone. Take initiative and go to them without delay.”
- Help visitors find seating that suits their families needs.
- Help first time visitors by being their tour guide and helping them find worship resources. Visiting a new church is like a cross-cultural experience, even for those of us who have visited dozens of other churches.
- Invite people to fill out your church’s visitor registration card or information.
- Tell people you’re glad they are here.
- Pray for them throughout your week.
- Be yourself! You are loving! You have a good thing going! You have the capacity to love more people, and to love more deeply. Eschelman says, “Practice making people feel special, and what you give to others will be returned to you.”
From: Marty Troyer’s blogpost entitled: “20 Ways How to Make Someone Feel Welcome in Church” This list is adapted from the book Now Go Forward by J. David Eschelman
Looking Forward to Labor Day
Labor Day weekend marks the beginning of fall for many people. Schools have started and long vacations are over. September will mark the return of our Wednesday Night Suppers and programs (indoors!). Either on September 12 or 19, the choir will process led by acolytes and the crucifer at the 11am service.
These events do not just spring to life. There is planning, communication, training and coordination that contribute to the fruitfulness of any church ministry effort. In August, we will train greeters and ushers
and teach a set of trainers who will train other volunteers throughout the year. We will train a new class of acolytes and crucifers as well as a team that will coordinate the programs after the Wednesday night suppers.
In September we will train volunteers to be worship assistants, who will learn not only aspects of leading worship but to be more comfortable offering a morning prayer or the children’s sermon. Our church leadership will be asking directly for volunteers to serve in these vital ministries over the next six weeks. Look for additional information as it becomes available.
May God bless Trinity UMC,
Rev. Joseph James
Halfway through 2021!?
Over half of 2021 is over; it has flown by, hasn’t it? So much has happened since the first of the year. We have emerged from most of our COVID restrictions and protocols. Things seem to be on course for some semblance of order, if not normality. Trinity UMC endured the pandemic as it has endured so many trials through its long history. What is the state of the church in our new reality and halfway through 2021?
This Sunday (July 18th) Roy Creech, Trinity’s Lay Leader, and Josh Castleberry, our Associate Lay Leader, will speak at both services about the state of the church. Roy and Josh serve not only on nearly every church committee, they understand the culture and the people of Trinity; they know our potential and our holy calling. They will offer their insights and observations, challenges and affirmations.
Remember, our early service now starts at 9:00am.
Our Baptismal Covenant to the Children of our Congregation
A couple brings their child forward in worship for baptism. Part of the vows we take as a congregation in the baptismal covenant is that we will do all in our power to “increase their faith, confirm their hope, and perfect them in love.” (page 38, United Methodist Hymnal). How do we do that as a congregation?
At Trinity, we have several opportunities for children to engage together as they grow in the faith. The Trinity Day School is a well-known ministry that forms young disciples. Trinity UMC sponsors a co-ed Cub Scout Pack, engages children in Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and weekly children’s-focused programming. During worship, we have a nursery as well as a children’s church following the children’s sermon. The music program sponsors choirs for all ages. Trinity can be proud of the many ways we seek to grow young disciples for the transformation of the world.
During this summer, Jay Punt has served as our student intern. His area of responsibility encompasses children’s ministries. One of the observations he has offered is that our children may be better served if we had some collaboration among the various ministries; to that end, we are seeking ways to bring to the table the various stakeholders involved in children’s ministry so that we can learn from one another, coordinate our efforts and calendars, and collaborate in the pursuit of our goals with the children we
How can you fulfill the covenant vows made at the baptism of the children of Trinity? I invite you to pray for our children’s ministry and volunteer your gifts or service. Each of us has a part. What will be yours?
A Reflection on March 2020
Sometime during this week twelve months ago, the decision was made by our church leadership to cancel in-person worship for March 22 and for an indefinite period following. Following the guidance of health officials, it was the best decision to make for the health of our congregation. I remember that week well. We were all afraid. Shortages of supplies loomed around the corner. We began to work from home. School classes were cancelled. It started a time of uncertainty for our nation that we have not experienced in
generations. At that time hospitalizations and deaths remained in single or double digits, there was a sense that worse times were ahead.
Here at Trinity, hurried plans were implemented to livestream the 11am worship services on Facebook and the church’s website. Kyle Kelly, Paula Stover, and Gray Maklary learned what needed to happen and worked toward a solution. We were unsure if all the interfaces would work correctly. Meanwhile, Geoff Roberts and Susan Ward (and when he was not working, Ed Snyder) worked the cameras for the YouTube video recording and the sound system for the live radio broadcast. The choir went from a loft full to a mere handful.
With less than a week’s turn around, could the choir redeploy in a way that was consistent with their high standard while not being able to meet to rehearse the Wednesday before? We would worship with less than 15 people in the sanctuary, with the potential for hundreds more through the radio broadcast and the livestream. To a community hungry for hope, would Trinity be able to meet the need?
By the grace of God, your lay leadership and the church’s music ministry responded so well. That first service on Facebook on March 22 was the first of many. We have opened a door to reaching people we never thought possible. The choir, under the direction of Charles Haraway, adapted and thrived. The quality of their music has remained high; their work has been integral to our remote worship that has inspired so many. Over the course of the year, Worth Lewallen’s violin moved us. Trinity has nurtured Wesley Castleberry and Samara Castleberry throughout their lives; since last March, their musical giftedness they have nurtured us.
Those early days of the pandemic were difficult for all. Yet, we claim the movement of the Holy Spirit at Trinity UMC that strengthened our worship team in those weeks. We could not have made it without God’s blessings and your prayers. A year later, we are still working through the pandemic’s effects on our world. We continue to pray and work for healing and offering hope wherever we can.
2020 is Over!
2020 is finally over. In disbelief, we can look back to the year that was. Trinity went months without in-person worship. There was no Living Christmas Story with cars driving through our parking lot. We ended 2020 without a live Christmas Eve service on campus.
The change in the yearly calendar has not made a difference. We are still haunted by the pandemic. In fact, the numbers are peaking at a level higher than in early 2020. We all know someone who has had the virus; many of us know of someone who has died. What does the future hold for us, our families, our church, and our nation?
The Gospel of Matthew tells us the Magi saw Christ’s star at its rising. A star is a difficult thing to follow, even for a short time. Certainly, there were nights where there were fog, clouds or rain blocking the star’s light. What about the terrain? Surely there were canyons, mountains, or other natural obstacles that kept the travelers from taking a straight path to their holy destination. Just because they could not see the star did not mean it was not shining above the clouds; did they keep moving in the right direction without seeing the star? Even as they turned right or left, north or south, the star’s light was a beacon in the sky illuminating the way. With hope and persistence, the Magi completed their journey.
In 2021, we find ourselves on a journey; we cannot go back to the way it was before. The Light of Christ guides us through this journey. But in this present darkness, our sight can be clouded by doubt and fear. Can we have the courage to keep moving forward, reckoning in hope of where the Light was in the murkiness of the pandemic? May we always follow hope in the light of Christ. In this season of Epiphany,
I am reminded of the Magi making their way from distant lands to pay homage to the Christ child. We do not know how long they traveled to see Jesus. Was it months or even years? There were no interstate highways to hasten the way or a highway patrol to protect them from bandits. There was no GPS, and perhaps only an antiquated map. The journey was fraught with danger.
The Gospel of Matthew tells us the Magi saw Christ’s star at its rising. A star is a difficult thing to follow, even for a short time. Certainly, there were nights where there were fog, clouds or rain blocking the star’s light. What about the terrain? Surely there were canyons, mountains, or other natural obstacles that kept the travelers from taking a straight path to their holy destination. Just because they could not see the star did not mean it was not shining above the clouds; did they keep moving in the right direction without seeing the star? Even as they turned right or left, north or south, the star’s light was a beacon in the sky illuminating the way. With hope and persistence, the Magi completed their journey.
In 2021, we find ourselves on a journey; we cannot go back to the way it was before. The Light of Christ guides us through this journey. But in this present darkness, our sight can be clouded by doubt and fear. Can we have the courage to keep moving forward, reckoning in hope of where the Light was in the murkiness of the pandemic? May we always follow hope in the light of Christ.
Worship Matters
With the end of the twelve days of Christmas, Trinity’s worship space is transformed for another season. On January 6th, we commemorate the Epiphany, the celebration of the arrival of the Magi and their visit to the young Jesus. The weeks beyond mark the season of Epiphany. Epiphany is a season of Ordinary Time, which includes four to nine Sundays, depending on the date of Easter. It is called “ordinary” because its Sundays are given ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.) after the Feast of Epiphany (January 6). It stands between the two great Christological cycles of Advent-Christmas- Epiphany and Lent-Easter-Pentecost. Its central theme is the calling of disciples and the early ministry of Jesus. The First Sunday focuses on the Baptism of Christ and the Last Sunday on the Transfiguration.
In our 11:00am worship services, we will use white paraments and stoles on the First Sunday (Baptism of the Lord) on January 10th, and the Last Sunday (Transfiguration Sunday) on February 14. On the Sundays in between, we will use green paraments and stoles. During this season, we will celebrate baptism as a way of remembering our call to discipleship and we will consecrate our spiritual leaders who serve on the various church committees for 2021. Our baptismal font will be placed in a prominent space within the sanctuary as we claim the renewing waters of baptism. Hymns, scripture lessons, sermons, anthems, and prayers will have elements and themes that speak of the on-going revelation of God in our lives and our journey as disciples.
May God bless our growth as disciples of Christ in this season of Epiphany.
Christmas Eve at Trinity UMC
Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ was born. Christ came into the world in far less than ideal circumstances in the geographic, political, and social backwater of the world. We have normalized his birth circumstances over the millennia, making smooth the sharp and rough edges of time, place, and detail.
Christmas Eve worship at Trinity this year will be a celebration!
- 6:00 PM Christmas Eve Service: We will celebrate the coming of Christ with familiar hymns, scripture readings, and the proclamation of the word. This service will be also be broadcast on the church’s Facebook page and available via the church website.
We hope you find a way to celebrate Christmas Eve this year. Surely, Christ comes into the context of our lives, whatever they may be.
Watch our Virtual Christmas Eve Worship Service Below
A local doctor told me the shocking words he heard from a teenager. Living in isolation, the young man attended school virtually. When asked if he had opportunities to meet people, the teenager said he spends his free time playing multiplayer video games with people from around the world; he finished by saying “I have no friends IRL.” “What is IRL?” the doctor asked. “In real life” said the teenager.
We live in anxious isolation. Resentful of masks and curtailed activities, we are impatient. We are advised not to shake hands or exchange hugs with non-family members. We are deprived of seeing smiles behind cumbersome masks. We miss nights out with friends. We know that we may not see people in vulnerable categories for months; worse, the vulnerable exist in domestic bubbles, wary of what may be lurking beyond. We are bereaved of vital community and life-affirming human touch.
A pastor friend shared with me about life for his children after the family moved this summer. His children were in a new school, which is especially challenging for kids in middle school. Along with their bookbags, the students carry their own plexiglass shields. The shields are placed on their desks before each class begins. In such an environment, it is difficult to make new friends or truly experience life with old friends.
In addition to the return to in-person worship for those who choose that, we at Trinity UMC continue to reach out virtually–where people work, pass the time or escape the reality of now. Our virtual ministry inspires hope to those who need it most through the grace of Jesus Christ and can not or do not feel safe to participate in person at this time.
When the pandemic passes, the impact on our world will continue. Jagged and deep will be the wounds that COVID inflicts on the soul and the mind. We will see the scars of those wounds lived out in harmful and abusive ways on both a personal and societal level for a generation. When restrictions finally cease, people will be longing intently for a safe and meaningful community. Many will not have experienced it for a long time (if at all). Some will not know what they missed. Others will be blinded to it by their scars.
We must be ready for “then” just as we are responsive to the “now.” Just as Jesus went to the hungry, the desperate and the lost, we are called to follow him out of the beautiful sanctuaries to the places of brokenness and pain. We will serve God and others from the heart of Sumter in a holy and wholly different way. Will we be ready to walk beside those who have lived isolated in reality or virtually? How will we do that? In the name of Christ, now is the time to pray and discern, plan and dream together…because the church lives IRL.
May God’s Peace Abide,